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Team C.B.F Practices C.P.R. - Catch, Photograph & Release!

Anthony's Catching FIX
@ Meacom's Pier
High Island, Texas

The boys and I decided to hit Meacom's on High Island, Texas due to the big fish caught the weekend before. We started off late because collage boy was home from Texas Tech and mama wanted to cook him a GOOD breakfast. Heck, I will eat it if she cooks it. We did not get to the pier until 11:00am. Blue water was to the beach and it looked great! Others had been catching fish all morning and that did not change throughout the weekend. 16 fish were landed by the time we got there. By midnight 43 fish (bull reds and black drum) had been caught. We left Sunday morning and 14 fish had already been caught. The weather changed during the night but the fish were still there. Most fish were caught on fresh crab. Some on whiting and a few on mullet. One thing I can say about this pier is that I did not see one illegal fish kept. Here are some of the fish landed. Harold with a nice drum.

Ernest with his fish.

Jr's fish looks small but Jr is a big guy.

CoVi and a drum.

The crew at the end of the pier!

The future for the pier with his first fish. Which he sold to me for a dollar. Smart boy!

Albert with a nice redfish.

A long but skinny redfish.

Anthony with another long fish.

Here is a late night BU! Caught him around 3:30 in the morning!

Ralph and Anthony with a double!

Anthony with a nice golden drum.

Ron with a HUGE 56 pund BU! WTG Ron! BTW ron is the owner of Meacom's Pier. Go give him a visit and tell him Oscar sent you!

Albert with a another huge fish!

The boys with a double! With these fish we decided to leave.

The final tally for the trip was 11 drum and 9 reds! I want to thank GOD for the resoures to fish the we we like too!

Team C.B.F. scores again!

I thank God for blessings he has given this family!



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